Saturday, March 12, 2016

The Shape Of The Cultural Counter-Revolution (by Contrasuggest)

Over the course of the last 60 years, the left has taken near total control of the societal mechanisms that shape our reality and perceptions; consider that they now firmly control the following:
  • pop culture and the entertainment industry
  • corporate industry and the workplace
  • most Christian churches, including the Catholic Church
  • the traditional news media
  • all branches and institutions of the federal government (including the bureaucracies)
  • nearly all educational institutions and the textbook industry
  • the television networks, public broadcasting, museums and other public depositories of information
  • most of the Internet, including all social media
  • the Boy Scouts (who, after a long desperate struggle, were the last to fall)
Have I missed anything?  Likely, I did.  The power and influence of the left is nearly without limit.

Thoughtful parents who carry even some small vestige of traditionalism in their hearts, and a desire to impart it to their children, are doomed before they begin.  When pressed, most of them are unable even to explain their views, much less defend them in the face of the withering and ubiquitous ridicule coming from their brainwashed coworkers, friends, and family, and the onslaught coming from every corner of the greater smut-culture.  The left's victory has been so thorough, and their scorched earth policy so complete, that there is no longer any fertile soil anywhere in America where morality or reason may take root.  Things once considered radical have now long been deemed normal, and anyone who dares publicly express traditionalist sentiments is branded with a kind of scarlet letter- marginalized and demonized as a "hater", "racist", "homophobe", "denier", or some other ad hominem, denigrating misnomer.  Reputations are smeared, fines are levied, careers are destroyed, and some are arrested, with no recourse to the law or even to once commonly held decency.  America has become a soft police state, pursuing an ongoing pogrom against traditionalists, capitalists, and western religionists.

The loss of the culture war in America is analogous to the loss of a conventional military war.  I am confident in the strength of that simile.  Consider that two sides (American statists and traditionalists) went to war over disputed territory (our politico-cultural institutions); one side has routed the other in every major battle (the statists have overcome traditionalist influence everywhere), the disputed territory has been forcibly  taken and occupied by the enemy (leftists now control all politico-cultural institutions). Traditionalists and conservatives eke out lives of quiet desperation in a country that they barely recognize, waiting for a hero to lead them out of the wilderness.  That is the very definition of defeat.  Why is it of utmost importance to admit that this war has been lost?  Because some of the conservative forces survived the struggle and have gone to ground; we still have a small, capable army comprised of some brilliant people.  But no potential future offensive by conservatives can be fought on the old cultural battlefields, using the old failed tactics and strategies.  If we repeat those mistakes, and continue to engage the enemy on territory that they firmly control, pretending that they do not control it, the remainder of our forces will be wiped out and we'll lose this country, possibly forever.  The only alternative open to us, furthering the military simile, is to wage a political/cultural guerilla war against this enemy, an enemy that has become the new establishment.

Conservatives must steal several pages out of the enemy's playbook, and the most essential strategy from those pages is a covert effort to Infiltrate America's socio-political organizations in order to take them back, quietly, from the inside.  Yes, we must employ similar strategies used by the leftists to take them from us in the first place.  There are many out there who have already begun to fight back in this vein.  From men like Glen Beck and Mark Levin, to organizations like the Heritage Foundation and websites like; these conservative culture warriors are on the offensive each and every day, employing equal measures of truth and sarcasm to bombard the enemy and set the record straight.

Another shining example in this insurgency to take back the culture is the movement to inaugurate an Article V convention of the states, an effort designed to culminate in amendments to the constitution (bypassing most of the compromised cultural institutions, and doing an end-run around the feds) that will reinforce the Founders' intended curtailment of federal powers.  A wonderful organization called The Convention Of The States Project has quietly been providing information and advice to various state legislatures around the country.  Legislatures in several states have formed exploratory committees to get the ball rolling.  Most recently, Texas Governor Greg Abbott has begun a determined effort to rally support for a convention in the TX legislature, which includes coordination with legislatures of other states.  Governor Abbott, the articulate former attorney general of TX, is extraordinarily well-versed in the legal aspects of the process, and we're blessed to have him fighting for us.  The movement is slowly gaining ground, and I believe it will continue to grow vigorously, as more Americans begin to reject the overreach of Moscow on the Potomac.  I just pray that there are enough of us to make a difference.

There are precedents in history, during the final years of the Cold War, for other successful cultural counter-revolutions: the Solidarity Movement in Poland, and the Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia. Both are examples of successful non-conventional efforts at weakening the power of tyrannical central authority.  However, in the America of 2016, it's become clear that the slide towards chaos is no mere trend, but a hideous mutation undergone by the American collective psyche.  I think there's great doubt as to whether or not we can reverse what we've become and halt the high degree of social entropy that's so deeply imbedded in our national soul.  At this point it may be as impossible as returning an already fired bullet back into the chamber of a revolver.  Be that as it may, it's incumbent upon us to try; the alternative is to resign the posterity of the American Founders to destruction and, as a result, condemning future generations of Americans to Hell on Earth.

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Donald Trump: The Latest Strain of Political Cancer (by ContraSuggest):

The American people are a lost breed with no identity and no real legacy.  Our children's cultural inheritance is nothing more than a scorched earth.  You can be anything you want to be, we tell them.  But in a country where we have allowed objective morality and ethics to die of neglect in order to justify our own libidinous urges, we've put our children on a collision course with emptiness.  We've essentially taught them, since they're nothing more than apes with iPhones, that the fulfillment of their impulsive whims is limitless.  And so we continue to gleefully swim in the direction of the undertow flowing towards the secular/socialist black hole along the Potomac River.

Nature abhors a vacuum: enter Donald Trump.  There are so many phonies running around pretending to be things that they are not in these biblically inflected end times.  Donald Trump is the consummate, archetypal phony.  His political opinions are all over the board.  For the better part of the last 40 years he has expressed the views of a Progressive Democrat; then experienced a supposed conversion to conservatism on the road to capture the 2016 Republican presidential nomination.  In reality, he continuously shoots from the hip with the bad aim that comes from a lack of core principles, so his policy positions are a muddled hodgepodge of contradictions.  It's painfully obvious from listening to his nasty, cacophonous, and empty blather, that he understands neither the Constitution nor conservatism.  Since most Republican voters don’t understand those things either, Trump enjoys wide support within the party.  His loathsome personality, and perception as a political outsider have endeared him to the ignorant.  Half of what this insufferable gasbag spews contradicts the other half.  If Trump's knowledge of American history and politics were chocolate, it couldn't fill an M&M.  However, it would seem that Trump's zombie-like supporters are impenetrably ignorant, as he continues to rack up the lion's share of delegates in the Republican primary race.  And so, this political flim-flam man, empty suit, and dangerous cult of personality, who stands for absolutely nothing, marches ever-closer to the presidency.

Arrayed against the presumptive Republican nominee are a self-styled socialist and a progressive, (as if there's any real difference between the two).  If by now you don't recognize these as euphemisms for tyranny, then you're probably already backstroking toward the event horizon of that black hole.  But where does all of this leave conservatives in terms of the choice that we're most likely going to have to make at the polls in November?  Personally, I am well acquainted with choosing the lesser of two evils in presidential races.  Let's review; below are all the presidential races in which I've voted, the blue highlights denote who I voted for.  Particularly note the nose-holding done in 1996, 2008 and 2012, where I was forced to vote for inarticulate big-government technocratic Republicans in order to avoid bigger problems.               

1984: Reagan v. Mondale
1988: Bush 1 v. Dukakis
1992: Bush 1 v. Clinton
1996: Clinton v. Dole
2000: Bush 2 v. Gore
2004: Bush 2 v. Kerry
2008: Obama v. McCain
2012: Obama v. Romney

Why did I cast those votes?  Because, although there weren't huge differences between the candidates, there were enough differences to vote for one over the other.  I assessed that my choice would result in the country doing slightly less terrible than if I had selected the alternative.  Now, let's play a game.  I'm going to list a bunch of political policy positions and statements, and I want you to figure out which current presidential candidate has held or said them all.  Ready?  Here goes: supported TARP, the bank bailouts, single payer health care (expressed great admiration for the Canadian system, and wanted to abolish Obamacare because it didn't go far enough); supports private property seizure, supports and wants to expand federal Ethanol subsidies, favors a massive increase of tariffs, supported Putin's military incursions into Syria, believes George W. Bush was responsible for 9/11, has hired illegal aliens, claims to always have had a great relationship with Nancy Pelosi, gets along great with Harry Reid, and is in many ways very close with (Senator Chuck) Schumer, but has said that Ted Cruz is a guy that nobody likes and nobody trusts and that he’s a nasty guy who is sick and is a liar.  Donated campaign cash to Harry Reid; in 2008 said that Hillary Clinton would do a good job as president and donated a large sum to her campaign. 

So who has held all of these positions and said all of these things?  Donald Trump.  This begs the question, what the hell is the difference between Trump and the Democrats?  In the end not much.  At least we know what Bernie Sanders (aka Methuselah) will try to do as president; with Trump it will depend on his mood, making him the most unpredictable man to ever occupy the oval office.  This voting for the lesser of two evils thing is becoming untenable now that evil has taken on so many different faces.  For the first time in my life I'm considering not voting in a presidential election.