Thursday, November 6, 2014

Why The Republican Election Victory is Almost Meaningless (by ContraSuggest)

My goal has always been for this blog to be more than just a collection of silly, cliché-filled rants.  A fair amount of research is done in order that these posts will be intelligible, and, I hope, cause people to at least think harder about the various subjects addressed. I know that the several people who regularly visit here are deep thinkers, who care enough about our country, that they're deeply troubled at the disastrous direction in which we're headed.  We have always shared frustration over our inability to get through to most of our co-workers and acquaintances on the subject of the ongoing national crisis.  Some of you are probably celebrating the sweeping nationwide Republican victories after Tuesday night's election.  There are some things to celebrate for sure: here on Long Island, six-term liberal Democrat Congressman Timothy Bishop, the Island's political version of the Ebola virus, suffered a crushing defeat at the hands of the young Lee Zeldin.  Lee has now rid Long Island of two political cancers; several years ago having defeated the benumbed Brian Foley (sponsor of NY's dreaded MTA Tax) in a race for the state's 2nd senate district (thank you Lee, we owe you a great debt!).  The malicious and deranged Senate majority leader Harry Reid has been deposed, and the Democrats are now relegated to minority status in both houses of Congress.  OK, the election is over now, so let's put the party hats and hooters away and come back down to earth, shall we?

On election night, a good friend texted me a note saying that it was looking good for the GOP, but that he wasn't sure how it all translated for constitutional conservatives like us.  His implication hit the nail on the head; here's what I wrote back:

Allow me to translate: RINOs, who possess neither the will nor the courage to stand up to Obama, will now control Congress.  He'll now use his executive authority and the power of his executive regulatory departments (all unconstitutionally) to continue to dismantle the republic.  Efforts by the few in Congress who have the will to stop him, will be marginalized by the RINOs, stymied by the bureaucracy and the leftist courts, and eviscerated by Obama's media-driven spin machine.

Even prior to the election, the befuddled Mitch McConnell announced that, if Republicans were victorious, he would agree to the passage of a massive Omnibus bill that would consolidate multiple bills sought after by Obama and Reid.  These Omnibus packages are stuffed with pork on a grand scale that represent billions in wasteful spending.  McConnell's warped rationale is that he wants to quickly conclude business in the lame duck session so that the new Republican majority can start with a clean slate in January.  He's already sold us out and he hasn't even assumed his role as majority leader yet.  The Obama administration was very quiet about their plans for a post-election, unilateral executive branch regulatory blitz.  The White House Mafia has mobilized the federal immigration authorities, the EPA, HUD, and other federal departments to unleash imperial rules and regulations, in an end-run around Congress, to grant amnesty for millions of illegals, enshrine new restrictions on power plants, institute new unnecessary federal minority housing laws, and more.  All of this in violation of the constitution's separation of powers, steamrolling over state and local authorities with a massive, liberty curtailing federal/executive branch power grab.  The lame duck senate will be complicit in all of this; not to mention that body's likely rubber stamping of the capo-in-chief 's midnight judges and other nominees, before the Republicans take over in the new year.

And how will the new senate RINO majority react to all of this?  C'mon everyone, you know they'll do absolutely nothing about it!  Sure, McConnell will mumble a little whimpering, feckless protest, there'll be the usual few brave voices who will speak up, sponsor legislation, and deliver a few scathing floor speeches.  But those few will not have the backing of the leadership of their own party, their efforts will die, we'll lose another modicum of our liberty, and it will be back to business as usual.  There have been Republican majorities before, and what have they gotten us?  The federal government is spending more, taxing more, regulating more, and in more debt than it has ever been in our history; this proceeds apace no matter who's in charge.  Phony tofu conservatives like Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and their big-government liberal lap dogs are not the answer, and we all know it. 
So now that I took a crap on your parade, what's the solution to this huge and ever-growing mess?  Well, to be perfectly honest, there are no easy solutions.  We must continue to educate the public, continue to encourage voters to select constitutional conservatives in Republican primaries, continue to write checks to conservative advocacy organizations, continue to write letters of protest when our elected officials blow their noses in the constitution, and yes, vote for the slightly less evil Republicans over the more evil Democrats, until such time that conservatives gain a real foothold in the GOP party machine.  But make no mistake, these steps, while necessary, will not succeed in saving this country.  For years, the great Mark Levin has been educating the public through his nationally syndicated radio show and his outstanding books.  He's provided the roadmap for national salvation; now we need to follow it.  Ultimately, the only chance we have of turning the ship around, is to continue to encourage state legislators all over the country to sign on to an Article V convention of the states, to consider amendments to our federal Constitution.  This will be one of the most important national dialogs in our history, and it must take place if liberty is to survive in this country.  Only amendments to the Constitution, designed to reinforce the Founders' intent, that we have so callously and foolishly abandoned, are obligatory.  We need amendments to establish balanced budgets, term limits for all elected officials and the federal judiciary, to abolish the 17th amendment, and to generally reinforce the separation of powers and states' rights; necessary constitutional principles which have been intentionally flouted on the way to a counterfeit socialist "utopia."  Pretending that last night's Republican election victory is the answer to America's institutional problems, is just simply delusional.