Saturday, January 21, 2012

Gingrich Wins South Carolina, Defeats the Romney Imperium! (by ContraSuggest)

Despite a massive, mostly dishonest onslaught from all sides, including an ex-wife, primary opponents, super PACs, hostile jabbering media morons, Democrats, and the tofu establishment-wing of the Republican Party, Newt Gingrich has won a decisive victory over moderate Mittsy Romney in the South Carolina Republican Primary.  It’s obvious that Mittsy’s plan to let his mendacious super PAC take Gingrich down, while he coasts to victory sporting a halo, hasn’t worked.  In fact, Newt’s super PAC has given Mittsy a taste of his own medicine.  Media reports say that Mittsy’s campaign has a backlog of dirt it hasn’t yet unleashed on Newt.  I say, bring it on!  Let’s see how tough you are in a bare-knuckle brawl, mano-a-mano with Newt.  Let’s see how your moderate record as Taxachusetts governor stands up to Newt’s conservative congressional record.  Let’s see how your consistency on core conservative issues stands up to Newt’s.  Let’s see how your meager knowledge of history and foreign policy stands up to Newt’s.  Who really has the most to lose in such an exchange?  You do Mittsy.  Let’s stop pussyfooting around and have it out already!  One thing’s for sure, after yesterday’s primary results, you’re not going to be able to marginalize Newt Gingrich. 

By persevering under a withering high-tech media blitz designed to disgrace him and destroy his candidacy, the former House Speaker has proven that he’s tough enough to withstand attacks from the Obama mafia.  C’mon Republicans, stop flirting with the Thurston Howell III-wing of the party and throw your support behind Newt.  An aristocratic, country club Republican will have trouble tacking Obamao to the wall; Newt will skewer him!              

In addition to putting forth innovative, viable solutions, detailed elsewhere in the pages of this blog, Gingrich has taken on the shibboleths of the left by going for the jugular, he has fearlessly and accurately pointed out the following:

  • That the Palestinians are an “invented people”
  • That no one in the media had the common sense to ask the OWS protestors how they could have a park to protest in if it wasn’t for corporations making profits
  • That the U.S. Constitution clearly gives Congress the authority to limit the injunctive powers of the federal judiciary
  • That treating captured enemy terrorist combatants like armed robbers is tantamount to surrender in the war against Islamic-fascism
  • That Obama is the biggest food stamp president in history
  • That despite the criticism of race-baiters, he’ll continue to fight to empower poor people to lift themselves from poverty

These are the words of a man who will use the bully pulpit of the presidency to articulate time-tested, traditional, conservative American values.  He’s also laid out a detailed legislative roadmap that will lessen federal intrusiveness on states, the private sector, and in the lives of individuals.  This is a man who will fight the leftist Matrix tooth and claw, and provide invaluable help to those of us who wish to restore the American Dream.  He has the legislative record of accomplishments; the leadership skills from his time as House Speaker, well-honed oratorical abilities, the value of many lessons learned the hard way from the blunders and mistakes of the past, and now, a stunning victory in South Carolina!  Go Newt!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Intelligentsia’s Mission: Stop The Newtonian Surge at all Costs! (by ContraSuggest)

In all my years of following the national political scene, I have never witnessed a more dishonest media-driven attempt to dismantle a presidential candidacy than the low-class smear job being done on Newt Gingrich.  Criticism of the former House Speaker is ubiquitous, coming from all points on the political spectrum, up and down the radio and TV dials, and in cyberspace.  I continue to be flabbergasted at the casual disregard for the facts, the distortion of Newt’s record, the exaggerations, the cherry picking of factoids, and the often outright lies that have characterized coverage of his campaign.  I find myself at odds with writers and commentators that I have respected for years who have now succumbed to the dreaded Newt-derangement contagion. 

The latest round of BS criticism sees Newt being savaged by so-called conservatives, in and out of the media, for going after moderate Mittsy Romney regarding his tenure at Bain Capital.  Wow, not only have the nattering nabobs of negativism in the media anointed moderate Mittsy as the Republican standard bearer; but now we’re told that criticizing him amounts to a criticism of capitalism itself!  This evokes images of Mittsy skipping along through a field of lilies, hand in hand with Adam Smith, as Journey’s big hit single Open Arms plays along in the background.

This criticism of Newt is analogous to saying that questioning the suspect personal actions of my local parish priest is the same as questioning the institution of the priesthood, or the legitimacy of the Catholic Church itself.  Yet many media schmucks are suggesting that Newt is taking a page out of Obama’s playbook in suggesting that Mittsy’s decisions as the head of Bain should be made public and known to voters.  So I will make the same criticism of the media that they’re making of Newt.  No intellectually honest person in command of the facts would suggest that Newt is anti-capitalist.  To suggest that, reeks of a level of absurdity normally reserved for the likes of team Obama.  So who is really emulating the tactics of President Stupid; Newt or the media alligators who’re attacking him?  Look, every aspect of every presidential candidate’s record has been scrutinized and examined, down to the atomic level.  Every speech, action, quote, piece of legislation, utterance, dirty look, slice of footage and photograph of Newt has been dredged up by rival campaigns, the media, Democrats, and various campaign super PACs.  His record has been placed under an electron microscope, and continually, purposefully distorted.  One of the main bullets on Mittsy’s resume is his tenure at Bain, yet we’re not only told that we shouldn’t ask details about his actions and stated accomplishments there, but anyone who does so is labeled “anti-capitalist” and accused of being in bed with Oblabla.  And moderate Mittsy is the guy who gave the people of Massachusetts boilerplate socialized medicine.  Yeah, he’s a real free market champion.  Let’s face it people, the fix is in.  If the monolithic media establishment has its way, and it increasingly looks as if it will, Moderate Mittsy will be the 2012 Republican presidential candidate.

The Real Gingrich Record [part 2] (by ContraSuggest)

Who was responsible for the “Clinton Boom?”

The broad and fundamental tax and regulatory changes that were put in place by the Reagan Administration during the 1980s were responsible for a marathon economic boom which extended well into the 1990s.  Newt Gingrich, a young up-and-coming conservative congressman from Georgia, fought hard from the floor of the House to support the Reagan agenda. What proved insurmountable for Reagan and his supporters was reigning in congressional spending which created increased government deficits.  Not withstanding, the economic recovery and sustained growth that resulted from his policies were only briefly delayed in early 1990 by Federal Reserve interest rate increases, an oil price increase as the result of the first Gulf War, a credit crunch brought on by the S&L debacle, and the first President Bush breaking his “no new taxes” pledge.  In an effort to reduce the national deficit, Bush did a deal with congressional Democrats and agreed to a tax increase.  Congressman Newt Gingrich advised Bush not to break the pledge and instead fight the Democrats for more spending cuts.  Then-White House Chief of Staff John Sununu advised Bush to go ahead with the tax increase, which he did; several weeks ago Sununu announced his 2012 presidential endorsement of moderate Mittsy Romney over Newt Gingrich.  Some people never learn. 

President Bush paid for that blunder, as it proved to be one of the reasons why he was defeated in the 1992 presidential election by Bill Clinton.  On the campaign trail and during his first two years in office, Clinton’s economic policies were the antitheses of Reagan’s.  For example, although he increased taxes where Reagan had cut them, Clinton’s increases still left rates lower than they were before the Reagan cuts.  Any deficit reduction attributable to Clinton came in the form of ill-advised defense budget cuts.  Fortunately, his anti-growth economic policies weren’t enough to derail the economic juggernaut started in the 1980s, so the 90s continued to boom.         

After the Republican’s congressional takeover in 1994, Clinton abandoned the dead-end liberal policies he gleefully promoted during his first two years in office.  He signed seven out of ten of the Contract with America's core planks into law, including Welfare Reform, all of which were consistent with the principles of Ronald Reagan.  With the exception of his unflagging support for free trade in the form of championing NAFTA, and playing along with congressional Republicans, Clinton had no original policy initiatives that contributed to the economic growth of the 1990s.  The Contract with America was consistent with the transformative policies of low taxes and low regulations that Ronald Reagan instituted in the 1980s; Clinton’s own policies were the converse of both.  President Clinton suffered two major defeats during his two-term presidency, one of which was impeachment as the result of his tangled web of lies (including lying under oath in court) surrounding the Monika Lewinsky affair.  The other was the political defeat of losing the House of Representatives to Republicans in 1994, a takeover that would not have been conceived and executed without Newt Gingrich.

The Real Gingrich Record (by ContraSuggest):

By the early 1990s the Democratic Party had controlled the House of Representatives for over 40 years.  Upon entering Congress in the late 1970s, Gingrich consistently maintained that the Democrats’ hold on the House could and would be broken.  Many of his GOP colleagues scoffed at this prospect, but Newt had a multi-pronged strategy for victory, the oratorical and intellectual gravitas to back it up, and the political balls to ardently pursue it.  It was Gingrich who first leveled the ethics charges that eventually ended the Speakership of Jim Wright (D-TX) in June of 1989.  The charges against Wright were so solid that, after review, the Ethics Committee chairman Julian Dixon, a stalwart California Democrat, had no choice but to agree that Wright should resign.  Wright’s forced exit was followed soon after by the resignation of Tony Coelho, who was desperate to avoid a congressional investigation into his spider web-laden closet of skeletons.  Coelho was the Democrats’ craftiest political strategist, whose joint efforts with former Speaker Tip O’Neil allowed the Democrats to hold on to their House majority throughout the Reagan Revolution of the 1980s.  How quickly the fickle media morons at National Review and Fox News have forgotten that it was Newt who exorcised the left-wing demons that possessed Congress for almost five decades.  The ‘94 Republican takeover would have been much less likely if Newt hadn’t succeeded in knee-capping the brain trust that was keeping the Democrats in power.                

By the early 90s, the House Democrats were withering under the assault, conceived and spearheaded by Newt; that had rightly characterized them as advocates for higher taxes and spending, unlimited government, more regulation and bureaucracy.  Despite his personal popularity, President Clinton clearly added to this public perception.  In order to focus and unify Republican congressional candidates with clear, succinctly stated policy positions, Gingrich, Dick Armey and their fellow conservatives conceived the Contract with America in 1994.  The contract consisted of ten legislative planks that signatories pledged to debate, send through committee, and bring to the floor for a general vote, within the first 100 days of a Republican controlled House.  Although a detailed version of the Contract was written and made available for those who cared to delve deeper, the version of the Contract printed in TV Guide magazine was devoid of the political double-talk and technical gobbledygook that tends to turn off the average voter.

As Election Day approached it was clear that the voting public had had enough; when the dust settled the Democrats lost a staggering 8 Senate and 52 House seats.  The electoral revolution that Gingrich and his colleagues were planning for 15 years had been brought about, delivering the biggest midterm electoral trouncing to an opposing party since 1930.  Even if many Americans weren’t familiar with it by name, Gingrich’s issuing of the Contract with America, which successfully nationalized the congressional elections, was essential to the victory and its scope.