Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strategies for a Republican Victory in 2012 (and beyond) (by ContraSuggest)

One of the enduring legacies of America’s much celebrated junk culture is the continual support for liberals in public office; more people get their political notions from the left-wing entertainment industry than at any other time in American history.  Add to this mix the influence of far-left TV comedians, web board administrators, news commentators, educators, elected officials, priests, rabbis, scout leaders, judges, and government bureaucrats, and it fast becomes obvious why the mental disorder known as liberalism cannot be eradicated from our governmental institutions.  This constant brainwashing of the politically ignorant and largely apathetic segment of the public has produced an atmosphere in which the precepts of conservatism have taken on the character of social leprosy.  In this shallow, hedonistic atmosphere, conservatives are doomed before they open their mouths to speak.  Notions such as exercising personal responsibility, spending only as much as you earn, and observing the golden rule, are bloody casualties of America’s morally and ethically corrupt Lady Gaga culture.  Those immersed in it, but uninterested in the details of public affairs, invariably develop a default setting which basically says: Bush was a fascist idiot, but Obama is mad cool!        

For decades, conservatives’ attempts to convince a puerile, junk culture-informed public to change its direction have fallen on deaf ears.  Despite the magnificent efforts of the Tea Party, the U.S. population has become more politically Balkanized than ever before.  Although the movement is strong and effective, the troglodyte media has successfully portrayed Tea Partiers as a bunch of toothless, bigoted, out-of-touch, neo-Nazi hicks.  Not to Tea Party supporters, of course (which I count myself among), who could never be fooled by so crass and ridiculous a characterization, but to the junk culture automatons referenced above.  Conservatives might be tempted to say “to hell with them, who needs them anyway?”  Sadly, we do, if we’re ever going to assemble a winning electoral majority and potentially save our exceptional American traditions from winding up on the slag heap of history.  The Tea Party must make political inroads in liberal geographic strongholds like the extreme East and West Coasts of the country, their virtual strongholds in cyberspace, and cultural institutions like universities and the old school media.  What is required is an aggressive, multi-pronged offensive.  Many of these individuals, primarily secular and unengaged in anything political, do vote, and we’re going to need converts from this group.  Keep in mind that even if these people do not vote, they greatly contribute to an atmosphere conducive to the achievement of leftist goals; the zeitgeist’s acceptance of leftist policy is just as much a factor in the passage of bad laws, as actual voters who pull the lever for leftist politicians.  Convincing these people to swim against the currents of leftism created by the drive-by media is problematic to say the least.  So how will conservatives get their messages out, and what will prevent them from being dead on arrival?           

The Canadian writer Marshall McLuhan famously remarked that “the medium is the message,” which implied that the characteristics of a particular medium, rather than the information it disseminates, is what influences and controls society.  Regardless of the speed and efficiency of current communications technology, it makes little difference whether young people are passing notes to one another on slips of paper in English class, or whether they’re texting each other on $500 iPhones, either way the content of the messages remain the same.  McLuhan has been vindicated to some degree as evidenced in the public’s obsession with technological communications gadgets.  This ubiquitous technology, with which potential voters are so enamored, represents a preexisting conduit through which the conservative message can flow.  The medium may well be the message, but if information carried by the medium is targeted and contains consistent themes, it will start to change perceptions.  These technological mediums must be fully exploited if we’re going to have a chance of deprogramming the people who use them of their leftist knee-jerk emotionalism, and fill that void with reason and facts.  We must use the public’s fascination with e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, mobile texting, Skype and all the various hardware gadgets that enable them, in order to get our message out.  Quite frankly, we need more conservatives to get involved in the entertainment industry, writing and producing TV programs and movies; like any other money making venture, if a conservative themed TV program is well-written it will resonate with viewers, and if it garners high ratings, it will make money and be successful (remember “24?”).  Over time the content of the messages will start to sink in.  The Republican Party needs a leader, and or presidential candidate who is tough, articulate, charismatic, conservative and adept at organizing and leading a high-tech multimedia assault on our far-left, corrupt social institutions; while at the same time aggressively taking on his or her Democratic opponent.   

A tall order to be sure, but the only way we can win is to understand that deft use of information technology, greater control of various traditional media and understanding junk culture trends, are necessary components in reaching the public in any kind of effective way in the 21st century.  This process needs to start far in advance of an election; the culture wasn’t lost overnight, it can’t be taken back overnight either.  One thing is for certain, the next Republican candidate can no more hope to be elected president with our compromised cultural institutions actively supporting his or her opponent, than a boxer can hope to win his next fight, with the referee, timekeeper, and judges all in his opponent’s corner.  No one person can do this alone, the standard bearer will have to coordinate and lead an orchestrated effort that must include the aid of all conservatives, currently in the minority in most American cultural institutions.  We must strongly reaffirm that conservatives are in the minority not because their worldview is wrong.  They’re in the minority because going down the road of liberalism is easy, hedonistic, seductive, and emotionally satisfying.  All individuals are flawed, but since left-wing junk culture celebrates flaws and wears them as a badge of honor, many voters buy into that thinking, hoping that their own flaws will be excused instead of being held to a higher standard.  It’s time for conservatives to repackage their brand ID and make thorough use of both traditional communications mediums and the popular newer mediums of the third-wave information age to take back the mindset of the American public.

Will Obama’s Failures Destroy his Presidency before they Destroy the U.S. Economy? (by ContraSuggest)

Libtards are fond of having it both ways.  Whenever I say that Obama has deeply worsened our economic problems since implementing his socialistic policies, they claim that the facts say otherwise.  When I present the facts in any kind of cogent detail, their eyes glaze over and they start calling me a racist, or say that I’m “for the rich,” or that I want to push grandma over the cliff in a wheelchair, or some other such incoherent, ridiculous nonsense.  While the last thing I want to do is bore people with a lot of cold, sterile facts and statistics, there really is no alternative if one is to rebuke the roaring liars that defend the president’s benumbed economic policies.  Let me also remind people; pointing out the fact that Republicans are occasionally retarded does not absolve the president of guilt for trashing America’s economy.  So, for the benefit of the Obama youth movement, the willfully ignorant, and the rest of you benighted libtards, here’s a recap of the comrade president’s inept bungling regarding the economy:

  • For 2 straight years, against the objections of conservatives in and out of government, the president and the Democrats passed into law every single economic program that they said was necessary for recovering the economy.  The litany is nearly endless- Stimulus program after stimulus program, bailout after bailout, truckloads of additional federal monies going to cities and states, the passage of deficit ridden, pork-laden budgets, Obamacare, Dodd-Frank, and on and on, ad nauseum
  • Since he took office, there’s been a net loss of 2.5 million jobs, unemployment has gone from around 7% to around 9%, and in June of 2011 there were only 18,000 jobs created in a nation of 300 million people, not enough job creation to even keep pace with population growth!  GDP growth is currently hovering at about 1%.  These anemic numbers might be good news in Sri Lanka, but they’re incapable of lifting the U.S. economy out of, what can now fairly be called, the Obama Depression
  • There is not one single economic initiative that the president or his party has put forth since Bush left office that has had a positive effect on the depressed economy (and no, I do not believe that the various stimuli (Bush’s or Obama’s) saved the world, they instead hurt it immeasurably)
  • President Obama himself is on the record as saying the following- 1.  that if he did not bring about an economic recovery in three year’s time, he would be a one term president.  2.  That if Congress passed his 2009 stimulus package, unemployment would not go above 8% (it peaked, we hope, at 10.2% since then, and is now hovering at 9%).  By his own criteria he has clearly failed     

Just in the last eight months (2011):

  • In January, Obama’s own commission (Bowles/Simpson), recognizing the gravity of the nation’s debt problem, called for $ 4 trillion in budget cuts.  Comrade Obama ignored those recommendations
  • Later that month in his state of the union address to Congress, we know that he placed diminished priority on the nation’s economic situation because he spoke for 35 minutes before even mentioning the economy (way to think it through, genius!)
  • In February he proposed a budget that called for $400 billion in spending cuts (over many years, and most of which weren’t specific).  Just to put this into perspective for you Obama worshiping dim-wits, the federal government’s yearly budget deficit for 2011 is in the $1.6 trillion range; our ten year cumulative debt is in the $15 trillion range).  Mr. Obama is trying to pay our bills with the loose change he found in the couch pillows.  So harebrained was this budget proposal, that the Democratic controlled Senate voted it down 98 to 0
  • In April, the comrade president put forth an economic proposal (of sorts) that was so fuzzy and short on specifics, that the head of the Congressional Budget Office commented, “… we don’t estimate speeches.”  In other words, the plan was so vague that the CBO couldn’t even score it
  • During the so-called debt-crisis, the Republican controlled House of Representatives passed two responsible budgets, “The Ryan Plan,” and “Cut, Cap, and Balance.”  The Senate refused to consider them and Obama vowed to veto them
  • John Chambers, managing director and chairman of Standard & Poor’s sovereign ratings committee (that recently downgraded America’s debt rating from AAA to AA+) publically stated that the downgrade would not have happened if the $4 trillion worth of spending cuts, recommended by Bowles/Simpson and supported by Congressman Paul Ryan, had been enacted. 
  • After the inadequate budget deal brokered with the Senate and the president by Speaker Boehner, S&P proceeded with the aforementioned downgrade.  The administration and the rest of the Democratic Party phonies are blaming the Tea Party!  The Tea Partiers didn’t want the Boehner deal, but did express support for the Ryan Plan, CC&B and deep budget cuts.  So the Democrats are trying to blame the downgrade on the only people in the country who wake up every morning, open their eyes, and don’t see their intestines  

Any serious discussion about the plight of the U.S. economy must include reform of entitlement programs.  Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid collectively represent over half of the federal budget.  These programs have been so badly constructed and managed, that they’re consuming an ever-larger portion of the government’s budget each year.  In 30 years’ time, if allowed to grow, underfunded, at their current exponential rate, they will consume 100% of the federal budget, leaving all other federal programs without funding.  Only the Ryan Plan proposed a workable solution for the problems with Medicare; no one on Capitol Hill is talking seriously about the financial black hole that is Social Security.  This has to change now if we’re to have any hope of waking up from our fiscal nightmare.   

For the better part of the past 2 ½ years, as previously expressed in these pages, I have felt, that despite Obama’s incompetence, he would be reelected in 2012.  For the first time I am beginning to have doubts about that.  His contributions to the wholesale trashing of this country’s economy are so pervasive, and run so deep that I’m beginning to think his presidency is in jeopardy.  As history has repeatedly shown, a single day can be an eternity in electoral politics, the election is over a year away, and the worm can turn many times between now and then.  Not to mention the fact that Republicans are more than capable of screwing up a wet dream; so Oblabla’s defeat is by no means a certainty.  We’ll just have to continue to actively fight in every way we can, and hope that the right candidate emerges in the Republican field who is capable of taking the false prophet out of the game.  (See today’s second blog post on the subject of successful strategies for a Republican victory).  In the meantime, keep the faith, and stay tuned.