In all my years of following the national political scene, I have never witnessed a more dishonest media-driven attempt to dismantle a presidential candidacy than the low-class smear job being done on Newt Gingrich. Criticism of the former House Speaker is ubiquitous, coming from all points on the political spectrum, up and down the radio and TV dials, and in cyberspace. I continue to be flabbergasted at the casual disregard for the facts, the distortion of Newt’s record, the exaggerations, the cherry picking of factoids, and the often outright lies that have characterized coverage of his campaign. I find myself at odds with writers and commentators that I have respected for years who have now succumbed to the dreaded Newt-derangement contagion.
The latest round of BS criticism sees Newt being savaged by so-called conservatives, in and out of the media, for going after moderate Mittsy Romney regarding his tenure at Bain Capital. Wow, not only have the nattering nabobs of negativism in the media anointed moderate Mittsy as the Republican standard bearer; but now we’re told that criticizing him amounts to a criticism of capitalism itself! This evokes images of Mittsy skipping along through a field of lilies, hand in hand with Adam Smith, as Journey’s big hit single Open Arms plays along in the background.
This criticism of Newt is analogous to saying that questioning the suspect personal actions of my local parish priest is the same as questioning the institution of the priesthood, or the legitimacy of the Catholic Church itself. Yet many media schmucks are suggesting that Newt is taking a page out of Obama’s playbook in suggesting that Mittsy’s decisions as the head of Bain should be made public and known to voters. So I will make the same criticism of the media that they’re making of Newt. No intellectually honest person in command of the facts would suggest that Newt is anti-capitalist. To suggest that, reeks of a level of absurdity normally reserved for the likes of team Obama. So who is really emulating the tactics of President Stupid; Newt or the media alligators who’re attacking him? Look, every aspect of every presidential candidate’s record has been scrutinized and examined, down to the atomic level. Every speech, action, quote, piece of legislation, utterance, dirty look, slice of footage and photograph of Newt has been dredged up by rival campaigns, the media, Democrats, and various campaign super PACs. His record has been placed under an electron microscope, and continually, purposefully distorted. One of the main bullets on Mittsy’s resume is his tenure at Bain, yet we’re not only told that we shouldn’t ask details about his actions and stated accomplishments there, but anyone who does so is labeled “anti-capitalist” and accused of being in bed with Oblabla. And moderate Mittsy is the guy who gave the people of Massachusetts boilerplate socialized medicine. Yeah, he’s a real free market champion. Let’s face it people, the fix is in. If the monolithic media establishment has its way, and it increasingly looks as if it will, Moderate Mittsy will be the 2012 Republican presidential candidate.
Worse than the Bush-bashery that is still going on? That must be bad.