Sunday, October 30, 2011

ContraSuggest Endorses Newt Gingrich for President!

The following is usually spoken by a teleprompter-reading media zombie in a dopey, robotic, whiny monotone that cuts through you like Fran Dresher doing an impression of the robot from Lost in Space:  “His negatives are too high,” “he has too much baggage,” “he can’t possibly win!”

Absolute, unadulterated poppycock.

For the better part of the last seventeen years the leftist practitioners of meatball journalism in the media, who pass themselves off as legitimate sources of political news, have engaged in foul slander and malicious libel in their reportage of Newt Gingrich.  Thanks to the handiwork of these agenda-driven, hateful liars, the at-large public has been led to believe that the former Speaker of the House is the locus of existential evil in the modern world.  So complete was their saturation of anti-Newt stories that even many Republicans have bought into them.  Gingrich has appeared on news magazine covers as Scrooge, or as the Grinch, he wants tax cuts for the rich, he wants to take food and medicine away from the poor, the elderly and young children, blah, blah, blah.  Let’s not forget that the dinosaur media that gleefully cheerleads for Obama will be trumpeting these types of demagogic attacks against any Republican presidential nominee.  What shameless headline can we expect next, "Republican presidential nominee sacrifices Down’s syndrome infant to Satan at Black Mass; film at 11:00?"  Fortunately, people are not buying into this kind of devious, puerile horseshit in the numbers that they used to.  And despite all of it, Newt’s presidential campaign is going very well, largely because he has been able to do an end run around the media boobs who despise him, by delivering his message and recounting his record directly to voters via televised debates, interviews on Fox News, and his excellent website (please visit!).

This endorsement was foreshadowed about a month ago in these pages when I wrote the following of Speaker Gingrich:

“…he is the most brilliant conservative to run for the presidency since Ronald Reagan.  At any debate attended by the former Speaker, it is abundantly clear that he’s the smartest guy in the room.  Personally, I agree with Newt on 99% of his policy positions.  When speaking, he seems to be channeling from an encyclopedic data bank in his head; extemporaneous responses to questions are delivered in a folksy, relaxed, articulate manner as if they were scripted by a team of professional, conservative speechwriters and researchers.  His strategy of pitting himself and his fellow candidates against the press, instead of against one another, is well founded.  Unlike his fellow candidates, he has resisted temptations to attack the front-runners, instead delivering scathing critiques of the president and declaring that every Republican should support the eventual nominee, no matter who it may be, to ensure Oblabla’s defeat.”

Equally adept at tearing down Obama’s imaginary socialist Nirvana or eloquently explaining conservative alternatives to it, Gingrich’s superlative communications skills are one of his greatest assets.  As the result of several stellar debate performances, and in the course of mere weeks, he revived what seemed to be a doomed campaign; now polling in the double digits, some national polls put his standing in the race as third, ahead of the ill-equipped Governor Perry.  Not to be dismissed as just a smooth talker; Newt is also the greatest conservative thinker on the contemporary political scene.  His extensive knowledge of policy and U.S. history, and how not to repeat the mistakes of the past, is a powerful weapon in his arsenal.  The unveiling of his 21st Century Contract with America was the deciding factor in this endorsement.  Consider just some of the key planks that would constitute the partial blueprint of a Gingrich presidency:  

  • Immediate signing of multiple executive orders, the first of which will abolish all White House “Czars”
  • A full court press to repeal the disastrous Obamacare and Dodd-Frank economic depressants
  • Creation of a training requirement for extended federal unemployment benefits to encourage work and improve the quality of our workforce
  • Release the U.S. economy from Socialism’s dungeon by reforming entitlements and federal regulations, implementing an optional flat tax alternative to the federal income tax, and a Lean Six Sigma program to reduce waste, fraud and abuse in federal programs  
  • Seal America’s southern border and deport illegal criminals while reforming the legal visa system so that law abiding visitors can more easily come to the U.S.
  • Enforce the 10th Amendment (any reduction in federal authority that follows must see a corresponding empowerment of the states or the people)
  • Conduct a full audit of the chicanery that passes for monetary policy at the Federal Reserve
  • Exercise constitutionally granted congressional and presidential powers to hold federal judges responsible for rendering unconstitutional, un-American decisions.
  • Maximize the speed and impact of medical breakthroughs by removing unnecessary obstacles that block new treatments from reaching patients. Encourage research spending towards urgent national priorities, like brain science, with its impact on Alzheimer’s, autism, Parkinson's, mental health and other conditions that knowledge of the brain will help solve       

As the principle author of the original Contract with America in 1994, Gingrich led House Republicans to their first victory over Democrats in nearly 40 years. As Speaker of the House, Gingrich made sure that the campaign promises made in the Contract were kept.  The Contract consisted of a dozen or so legislative planks that signatories pledged to introduce as legislation, send through committee, and bring to the floor for debate and a general vote within the first 100 days of a Republican controlled House.  Once sworn in, Gingrich and the freshman Republicans worked at the speed of light to keep their campaign promises, and succeeded in doing exactly that.  House votes during the 1995, 104th congressional session represented the Contract with America translated into legislation.  Every bullet point was introduced, debated, and voted on in precisely 98 days.  This was one of those rare instances in which a political campaign promise was kept in all its detail.

Newt has consistently shown that he possesses a firm understanding of the challenges that face the country, what policies to pursue in order to solve them, and that he’s more than capable of tenaciously and effectively arguing for them.  As an astute historian, he understands better than any other candidate the motivational detail behind the decisions made by our greatest presidents, and their mistakes.  But there’s another essential difference between him and any of the other candidates:  Newt openly acknowledges that he cannot implement the necessary solutions to solve the nation’s manifold problems alone; he asks us not to be for him, but with him.  This is the most refreshing thing to issue forth from the lips of a presidential candidate in the last 30 years; and it also happens to be true.  If we conservatives continue to support arrogant intellectual elites, who claim to better know how we should live our lives than we ourselves do, then we are little better than the dimwit leftists we claim to oppose.  A President Gingrich would work with the Tea Party, not against it.

I urge all my readers and colleagues to throw their support behind Newt Gingrich for President!