After Barack Obama won the 2008 presidential election, and before January of the following year when he would be sworn in and assume office, he began issuing statements and policy edicts from what he called “The Office of the President-Elect.” Many of us said that there was no such thing, officially anyway, as such an “office,” but that didn’t stop President-Elect Obama. In fact, his clever little army of statist, boot-licking sycophants even came up with an “Office of the President-Elect” seal to place on the podium from which he delivered his benumbed comments that were designed to allay our fears as we experienced “the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.” Predictably, the press ate it up.
The deification of Barack Obama, that began on Election Day 2008, and would be consummated on inauguration day, was in full swing thanks to the rhetoric that spewed forth from the OTPE. Once January rolled around, and Obama assumed the mantle of power, the OTPE was just a silly memory, one of those dopey footnotes to history that we’d look back on years from now, scratch our heads, and wonder if anything so ridiculous was ever actually real. Not so fast. Why not resurrect that vacated, make-believe office and use it for something truly useful? This is just what I have done.
I have usurped the bully pulpit of the OTPE; firmly ensconced, I will use my new office as a sounding board to point out the utter folly and futility of the policies of its former occupant and his brainwashed minions. It’s time to place events in their proper context, bringing to bear reason and history in an effort to dispel the political sorcery of this false prophet. Will there be a lot of puerile name calling here? You know it. Will all statements be well-reasoned and backed-up by verifiable facts? Always.
So I look forward to the comments of like-minded folk; and to my liberal friends: let’s get something straight from the start; you’re not my friends. You’re all afflicted with an ideological disease that is the socio-political equivalent of the Bubonic Plague; your statist government policies and marshmallow-brained permissive “morality” have dismantled the timeless and noble aspirations of the Founders, and transformed our country into a moral and financial cesspool. And we have let you do it. No more. As the late, great William F. Buckley Jr. pronounced over 50 years ago, it’s time for someone to “stand athwart history and yell stop.” This is where the war of words and ideas will be waged; so bring your tired, hackneyed arguments; bring your disingenuous visceral decoys; and while you’re at it, bring your mommies, you’re going to need them to cry to, as I grind your ass-backward, ill-advised opinions to dust.
This blog would not be possible without the assistance and support of my advisors, friends and colleagues who make up the “virtual staff” here at the OTPE. Special thanks to my eminent scientific advisor, the erudite Professor Bunky, my brilliant (and gorgeous) financial advisor, d. duchess, and of course the unmatched literary acumen of the first lady of the blogosphere, Sailor Kenshin. Thanks for lending your expertise and making this possible. Now let’s kick some liberal groin!